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Animondial: 2021 (Online) Events

24th February, 2021 - ANIMONDIAL provides a series of specialised talks and bespoke workshops to suit a variety of needs and interests. These include:

  • Animal welfare in tourism introduction

  • How to start your animal welfare journey

  • Product review and adaption

  • Introduction to charitable projects, Foundation and CSR development

  • Educational workshops for college and university students and associations

Creating travel business leaders in responsible animal protection

ANIMONDIAL, the animal tourism specialists, are hosting a series of online trainings to inform, inspire and empower people working in the travel and tourism sector to Build Back Better for Animals. If you are seeking to define or review your company’s commitment to animal protection, identify appropriate animal-based product, or just have questions answered, these trainings are for you.

1. Q&A – Navigating animals in tourism (1.5 hours)

A unique opportunity to talk ‘animals in tourism’ with the recognised expert, and pioneer in animal protection in tourism, ANIMONDIAL’s Daniel Turner. Following a short introduction to set the scene, Daniel will be available to answer all your questions on product procurement, policy development and integration, and communications in a secure, friendly, and impartial environment.

Topics covered:
The business case for protecting animals in tourism
The variety of animal-based offerings and how to navigate the issues

Capacity: 15
Cost: £25 per person + 20%* additional colleague discount
(PLUS 20%* off for Travel Association members)
* Please note discounts are applied upon use of code *


Thursday 25th February (FREE introductory session)
10:30am – 12pm GMT

Thursday 15th July
10:30am – 12pm BST

2. Q&A – Social impact in tourism (1.5 hours)

Social Impact is now more important to businesses than ever before. The term is defined as a ‘significant, positive change that addresses a pressing social challenge’, and it is something that each one of us can impact, as part of our own roles at work, and in society. Join Helen Usher, Social Impact expert and CSR specialist, as she delivers an insight into the role of businesses to leave lasting impact on the planet, and learn what steps you can take to ensure greater positive impact as part of your Sustainable Tourism agenda.

Topics covered:
An introduction to Social Impact and CSR including Sustainable Development Goals
Examples of how other businesses do it well
NGO collaborations and partnerships

Capacity: 10
Cost: £25 per person + 20%* additional colleague discount
(PLUS 20%* off for Travel Association members)
* Please note discounts are applied upon use of code *


Thursday 17th June
10:30am – 12pm BST

3. Meet the Experts series

An opportunity to listen to leaders in animal protection, learn about their ground-breaking initiatives and find out about the solutions, or responsible alternatives, to animal tourism challenges.

Topics covered:
An introduction to Social Impact and CSR including Sustainable Development Goals
Examples of how other businesses do it well
NGO collaborations and partnerships

Capacity: Unlimited
Cost: Donation to the participating charity


Friday 26th March – Earth Hour, 3pm BST
Considering the importance of animal protection through tourism. How travel and tourism businesses can better protect animals and nature. Speakers: Prue Stone, Explore! Worldwide & Daniel Turner, ANIMONDIAL.

Wednesday 14th April – World Dolphin Day, 3pm BST
With captive dolphins no longer favoured by the tourism sector and a growing proportion of the public, what is the future for the 3500+ dolphins in captivity? Speakers: TBC.

Saturday 22nd May – UN Day of Biodiversity, 3pm BST
The importance of forest protection and what actions can be taken by travel businesses to halt biodiversity-loss. Speaker: Dr Rachel Hogan, Ape Action Africa.

Tuesday 28th September – World Rabies Day, 3pm BST
Considering the threat Rabies poses to tourism and the actions to mitigate risk. Speaker: Dr Katherine Polak, Head of Stray Animal Care for FOUR PAWS.

4. Workshop – Build Back Better for Animals Starter Kit (2 x ½ day course)

A starter course for travel businesses that want to become leaders in responsible animal tourism. Join us to find out how to maximise the benefit, and minimise the negative impact of tourism on animals and nature. Delivered by award-winning experts, ANIMONDIAL, and industry partners, to help businesses navigate the complex topic and make informed decisions. Designed for travel and tourism professionals only.

Topics covered:
- Applied animal welfare, wildlife viewing practice and animal interactions
- Referencing topics: wildlife poaching and illegal trade, biodiversity-loss and habitat degradation
- Defining and integrating your animal protection commitment
- How to select responsible animal experiences in your product portfolio
- How to create your animal protection policy and implementation through the business
- The importance of Social Impact including multi-stakeholder partnerships for change
- How to ensure alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals
- Positive collaboration with NGOs
- Engaging management and colleagues
- Maximising the positive PR

“Daniel took us into the depths of Animal Welfare and taught us in a fun and interesting way about the Do’s & Don’ts of animal activities in tourism. We all found it really helpful, eye-opening and inspiring. I am glad our company works together with ANIMONDIAL and I can highly recommend them to any other tour operator.”
– Svenja Ciriack, CoTravel / DER Touristik Suisse

ANIMONDIAL will guide you each step of the way, cutting through the complex topic, highlighting where to focus your attention to stay on course and avoid the common pitfalls.

The course is split into TWO parts, each part will include 3 hours of content with a chance to ask questions and discuss issues amongst your peers. Select the Part that best suits your needs, or take the complete course (Parts 1 & 2) and receive a discount on the fee.

PART 1: Get your house in order by protecting animals in your supply chain

Follow a step-by-step process that will help you define and integrate your animal protection commitment.

Capacity: 10
Cost: £225 per person

Thursday 15th April
10:30am – 12pm BST

PART 2: Go the extra mile by supporting community action

Encouraging travel businesses to better manage their negative impact in destination and build back better by supporting local regenerative projects.

Capacity: 10
Cost: £225 per person

Friday 16th April
10:30am – 12pm BST

PARTS 1 & 2 (complete course)

Participants on the complete course (Parts 1 & 2) will receive a FREE copy of ANIMONDIAL’s ‘Animal Welfare in Tourism Starter Kit’, providing practical guidance to help you Build Back Better for Animals.

Capacity: 10
Cost: £360 per person (20% discount applied)

Thursday 15th April & Friday 16th April
10:30am – 12pm BST

“The training delivered by Helen and Daniel was excellent and we had such positive feedback from all those who attended. Their knowledge of the subject is outstanding, and the training was delivered in a way which helped everyone understand why the topic is so important and definitely helped inform the way our teams work. I’d have no hesitation recommending the ANIMONDIAL team, they have been and continue to be an invaluable support.”– Rachel O’Reilly, Head of Communications, Kuoni UK


1. Responsible animal tourism (1 hour)

An insight into animal protection policy in tourism, the business case, issues it seeks to address and the difficulties in its application. Includes examples, case studies and Q&A. Options to extend duration to include an interactive session. Delivered by the industry-leading expert in animal protection policy and director of ANIMONDIAL, Daniel Turner.

2. The power of our generation to change world (1 hour)

Social impact is defined as a significant, positive change that addresses a pressing social challenge, and it is something that each one of us can, indeed impact, in our professional roles. Join Helen Usher, Social Impact expert and responsible tourism consultant, as she delivers an insight into the role of businesses to make lasting impact on the planet. Including the power of positive collaboration with charities, and, what impact we, as the next generation, can make through our future in the working world.

“I consider it vital that our future tourism graduates appreciate the importance of animal welfare in tourism. Over the years, Daniel’s strategic efforts have been instrumental in helping industry, in the UK and beyond, achieve considerable advancements in improving animal welfare. The students particularly appreciated learning about the challenges – and opportunities – the matter can present to industry.” – Sean Owens, Lecturer in International Tourism Management at Manchester Metropolitan University

“I enjoyed it! Went into detail on a subject I care about but quite honestly knew very little about”; “super helpful”; “definitely one of the topics I’ve enjoyed more than the others” – from the students themselves