Pacific Asia Travel Association

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Cirium Sky API – Emissions

Singapore – 15 August, 2023

Enable traveler decision making on carbon emissions at time of booking, with CO₂ emissions estimates at an accuracy independently commended by major airlines like American Airlines and Virgin Atlantic. Provide real-time insights on forecast CO₂ emissions, with Cirium Sky.

Traveler expectations are everchanging and travel shopping behaviour now considers the CO₂ impact of a flight. This has ramped up the need to provide accurate CO₂ emissions for flights so travellers can make informed decisions at the time of booking. Accurate measuring, monitoring and forecasting of CO₂ emissions is also critical as we target and monitor progress to delivering on sustainability targets and NetZero 2050, allowing us to better understand our environmental impact.

The new Cirium Sky Emissions API, enables businesses to get near real-time forward-looking flight schedules layered with emissions estimates. The accuracy of Cirium’s emissions estimates far exceed what is available in the industry today and have been independently commended by American Airlines and Virgin Atlantic for the superior approach and accuracy.

Enrich pre-travel information around flight emissions for scheduled flights, down to each seat in a specific cabin. Seamlessly integrate Cirium Sky API – Emissions onto your booking tool

Request a trial or find out more about Cirium Sky.