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PATA University of Girona EMTM Student Chapter's First Virtual Event: Master Thesis Tip Talk

Girona, Spain, 21st April 2021 – On Thursday, 15th April, the PATA University of Girona EMTM Student Chapter organized its first virtual event, “Master Thesis Tip Talk”. The event was led by chapter’s Chairperson, Stella González, who guided first-hand experiences on master thesis challenges and tips by two Alumni of the European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) program, Birthe Menke and Dominic Gialdini.

The aim of the student chapter is to create value of the master thesis, investigating strategies and practices that students can follow so that their academic research could bring added value to the tourism industry as well as to themselves and the universities as a research of high-quality. Thus, the online event was intended for students who are in the process of writing their master thesis and the next generation that will be asked to do it soon.

As an ice breaker, the attendees took part in a short interactive activity, sharing their “thesis feelings” via the interactive presentation software, Mentimeter. 

The two Alumni shared their experience with their thesis writing process, their motivations, findings, and how their careers developed after graduation. The first speaker was Dominic Gialdini from EMTM generation 2018-2020, who has more than four years of professional writing experience and interests in sustainable tourism development, international relations, and economic development. He shared his experience of writing a thesis during the pandemic as well as his internship at a sustainable tourism consulting and marketing firm. The second speaker, Birthe Menke from EMTM generation 2016-2018, is currently a PhD fellow at the University of Southern Denmark and has multiple years of working experience in content creation, communication and social media management. She outlined how her Master's thesis was a stepping stone to pursuit a PhD as she developed further her research skills. 

The discussion developed around challenges that students are facing and tips that have been gathered from EMTM Alumni and current students via Mentimeter before the event. The event coordinator shared the results and discussed additional tips and challenges of thesis writing with the two Alumni, engaging also the audience to ask questions. A total of 38 participants attended the event, which is a reward for the chapter as all the members took an active role in the organization of the event.

The first event of PATA UdG EMTM Student Chapter, the “Master Thesis Tip Talk” was a great start for the newly established student chapter and motivation to continue working and organizing new events in the future.

The focus of our chapter is the connection between the academia and practice. Through the process of knowledge sharing and networking, we hope to create an impact in the tourism industry. We aim to investigate strategies and practices that students can follow so that their research could bring added value to the tourism industry (companies, DMOs, travellers, communities) as well as to themselves. Our objective is to connect public and private organizations for the sustainable development of the travel and tourism industry.

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