Promoting Gender Mainstreaming: Recommendations for Vocational Training Centers
The publication ‘Promoting Gender Mainstreaming: Recommendations for vocational training centers in ASSET-H&C network’ outlines how we can promote and sustain gender equality in the tourism industry, with practical examples that offer applicable and actionable suggestions on gender-mainstreaming.
ASSET-H&C’s Eco-Guide for Hospitality Businesses & Schools is Now Available in Burmese, Khmer, Thai, and Vietnamese.
ASSET-H&C has outlined 55 tips and good practices to reduce Tourism’s impact on the environment which can be downloaded from the company’s website. It is also available in Burmese, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese.
“Valued. Paid. Recognized.” - a desk review of initiatives promoting women's empowerment in the Mekong Hospitality & Tourism
ASSET-H&C, set in the Mekong region where females are especially the main employed group in Hospitality & Tourism industry, released a report with Plan International on acknowledging the current situation and pointing out importance of investment in women.