Being PATA Face of the Future in a Year of Bumpy Rides: A Conversation with Suresh Singh Budal
Nearly a year after being elected as a PATA Face of Future in the time when the industry is facing one of the biggest challenges ever witnessed, Suresh shares with all, and especially the youth, his journey full of mixed feelings and learnings for the past year and give genuine advices to everyone who is ready to embrace the “new normal”.
Dive in this interview with Suresh Singh Budal!
What Happens When You Are PATA Face of the Future: A Conversation with Flori-Anne Dela Cruz
Flori-Anne Dela Cruz, youth representative to Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) Board of Directors, was awarded as 2019 PATA Face of Future. Hop on the conversation with Flori-Anne a year after the nomination to know about her experience and visions for future.