CTG Travel and Mutianyu Great Wall: New Year's Blessings and Sunrise View Event

China, 28th December, 2020 - Perhaps you are still wandering in the haze of the epidemic, or you are still sighing in deep helplessness, but I firmly believe that you, like me, will never lose your desire for the light of the future! Come on, let us throw everything bad of the past in the shadows behind us, and face the future to win the first sunrise of 2021. "Say goodbye to the old year and win the future!" China Tourism Group will meet you at the Mutianyu Great Wall to welcome the new year and deliver good wishes to every corner of the world.

The morning glow slowly illuminates the horizon, and the sun rises above the Great Wall. When the soft sunlight merges with the winding Great Wall, the green earth is vast and covered with golden sunshine, just like dressing the ancient and elegant Great Wall, which is a breathtaking view. Standing on the top of the dragon, looking to the east, a world full of beauty and hope. Let us pray together for the peace and prosperity of the coming year 2021.

The Great Wall is both a symbol of Chinese tourism and one of the seven wonders of the world. It has always been given the magical color of a dragon, symbolizing auspicious progress and outstanding excellence. The first dawn of the new year implies infinite power and vigorous spirit.

Although the inbound tourism department of China Tourism Group (which owns two most famous brands in China CTS and CITS) was affected by the global epidemic in 2020, it has never stopped and created the “Travel with Foreign Expats", family tour project, “RV Driving Go” project, and “Little Pilot” project. Meanwhile, we actively participated in a series of cultural tourism activities, such as "the Heart of Beijing". This time, together with Mutianyu Great Wall, we hold the New Year's Blessings and Sunrise View event, and jointly planned the following exciting activities:

Warm Up - Lion dance performance

New Year's Blessings and Sunrise View Event

Invite guests to light up the tree of life and give a speech

Dragon dance performance & Finishing touch - leaders and guests perform the "Finishing Touch" ceremony

Han ceremony blessing ceremony - Blessing ceremony, chorus "Me and My Motherland"

Dragon and Lion Dance - The dragon and lion dance team will interact with tourists, take pictures as souvenir and participate in the CTG Travel New Year's Clock in Activity.

New Year's Blessings and Sunrise View Event



We have 2 products for this event: selection A (Two-day), Selection B (Two-day RV Driving).

Selection A——Dec 31 (Thu):

14:00 We will pick you up at the meeting points in the afternoon and it takes us 2 hours to reach without traffic jam.

Head to Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel and check in. Get some rest and enjoy your time.

19:00 Dinner at Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel.

21:00 New Year's eve party at Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel (dumpling making, karaoke, and lottery draws,etc)

24:00 New Year’s bell ringing ceremony, enjoy dumplings according to the Chinese customs, have fun and then return to the room to rest.

⏰ Where do we meet?


Meet at Agricultural Exhibition Center subway station, Exit A

Selection B RV Dring——Dec 31 (Thu):

15:00 Arrive and gather at the RV base at the Ming Tombs in Changping or Shunyi RV base, go through the procedure, get the introduction of the vehicle and set off to the Mutianyu Great Wall.

17:00 Arrive at Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel and park your RV at the camping site of the hotel. Get rest and enjoy your time.

19:00 Dinner at Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel.

21:00 New Year's eve party at Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel (dumpling making, karaoke, and lottery draws,etc)

24:00 New Year’s bell ringing ceremony, enjoy dumplings according to the Chinese customs, have fun and then return to the room to rest.

Jan 1

05:00-05:30 Arrive at Jisonglou restaurant for hot drinks and snacks (4 hot drinks+snacks+eggs)

05:40 Climb on the Great Wall by cable car

06:15-06:30 Warm Up - Lion dance performance

06:30-06:35 New Year's Blessings and Sunrise View Event

Then we will beat the drums to welcome the new year, besides we will enjoy Dragon Dance Performance and Han ceremony blessing ceremony. Afterward, we will sing "Me and My Motherland" together. At the end of the activity, the dragon and lion dancers will interact with tourists and you can take pictures. After the New Year welcoming activities, we will  take the cable car down the mountain and enjoy the buffet breakfast at the Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel Restaurant. After breakfast, we will check out and return to Beijing at around 10:15.

📆 Date of the event:


Selection A

Two-day selection:850 yuan / pp


  1. Refreshments(hot drinks+snacks)

  2. Breakfast

  3. Dinner(farmhouse dishes)

  4. New Year's Party

  5. Late night meal(Making dumplings)

  6. Entrance of Mutianyu(round-trip cable car+sunrise activity)

  7. Insurance

  8. Boutique homestay(1 night)

  9. Round-trip bus ride

Selection B

RV Driving Two-day selection:1398 yuan / pp


  1. RV type C fee

  2. 1 night camping in RV

  3. RV bedding 

  4. RV cleaning fee(If you have pets together with you, you need to pay 50 yuan / car)

  5. Refreshments (hot drinks+snacks), breakfast, dinner.

  6. New Year’s Eve celebration party & New Year's Blessings and Sunrise View event

  7. Fixed rate vehicle insurance & Fixed rate third-party liability insurance(Accident losses of less than RMB 3,000 shall be paid by the user. This insurance does not cover any loss of vehicles and accidents under RMB 3,000.)

  8. Entrance of Mutianyu (round-trip cable car)

  9. 1 support vehicle and 1 steward for RV maintenance and use (group with 10+ RVs)

  10. Insurance


For selection A: 

All the personal expenses and other expenses not mentioned in the list above

For Selection B:

  1. Round-trip transportation costs to and from the RV base

  2. Parking fee during your tour

  3. Admission tickets not included in the list above

  4. Meals not included in the list above

  5. Accommodation fee except RV (If you need to accommodate in the homestay,please tell us before booking and the single supplement is 500 / night / person)

  6. Fuel charge

  7. Tolls

  8. Personal hygiene products and slippers

  9. Other personal expenses

  10. Other expenses not included above

New Year's SURPRISE!

*First come first served!

Customized commemorative ticket (Only issued on Jan 1)

Delicate lanterns & Warm Customized scarf

Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China Central TV, Beijing TV, People's Daily Overseas Edition, China Tourism News, Travel Weekly and many other TV and news media units will be invited to report on the event from all angles. At the same time, the Ministry of Inbound Tourism will take advantage of multilingual advantages to organize live broadcasts in various languages and invite foreigners in Beijing to participate on the spot, so as to contribute to the recovery and new development of the tourism industry in 2021!

The Mutianyu Great Wall bears the weight of history, the strongest cohesion, and the hope for the present and the future. On the first day of 2021, let us gather here to welcome the first light of the new year, the first glory of the world and pray for the new year together! 

Mutianyu Great wall Hotel

The Mutianyu Great Wall Hotel was opened in 2018, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Beijing.
Huairou Railway Station and Capital International Airport are located 22km and 67km away respectively. There is no shortage of things to see in the area, with the Kai Lianguan, Mutianyu Great Wall and Mutianyu Museum all nearby.
According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around, which has the best view for sunrise on the Great Wall!

For any future cooperation and request regarding new products, please contact

Ms. Collen Xu

E-mail: xlh.md@ctg.cn

WeChat: loveboatcollie.


IATA: Al-Awadhi New RVP for Africa and Middle East


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