Pacific Asia Travel Association

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SPTO - The New Pacific Storytelling Specialist Programme

Fiji - 03 November 2023 - The Pacific Tourism Organisation is delighted to present to you the new Pacific Storytelling Specialist Programme (PSSP). We have spent time over the last year to make the programme more interactive and comprehensive in helping travel advisors, media, influencers and tour operators understand the Pacific Islands better and book more business.

PSSP is the first program of its kind in the Pacific region, certifying travel advisors and agents on the region. PSSP is an accreditation program that provides travel agents with the opportunity to develop and enhance their knowledge on the various tourism products and services that are available throughout the tropical South Pacific.

In addition, the PSSP is also aimed at helping travel professionals to increase their confidence and ability to sell the South Pacific with a lot more confidence and passion.

To be a Pacific Storytelling Specialist, travel professionals must complete a series of online training modules followed by an examination which is taken and assessed electronically.

There are more than 3,000 agents currently enrolled in the program. To join them follow the link below:

Who is this for? Travel advisors, media, influencers and tour operators

How is the training structured? The training is divided into Bronze training, Silver training and Gold training. Each course has an interactive video, quiz, and downloadable PDFs.

Why take this training? PSSP is an accreditation program that provides travel agents with the opportunity to develop and enhance their knowledge of the Pacific Islands.