Tripadvisor: Market Insights Asia Pacific


14th May, 2021 - As you know, as part of our relationship we share updated insights of your market to help you understand what are the key industry trends in your country and plan ahead leveraging what travellers are looking for. The deck you’ll find here, our Market Insights of Asia Pacific, includes data and trends on the first four months of 2021. Top insights in the report include:

  • A lookback at 2020

  •  Travelling in 2021

  • Insights into APAC's tourism

  • Tripadvisor Plus: how to take part to the program

  • 2021 Travel trends

View the report here - WeTransfer link:
Note: This link expires in 7 days


Bangkok Airways Announces the Resumption of Bangkok – Chiang Mai (Roundtrip), Bangkok – Phuket (Roundtrip), Bangkok – Sukhothai (Roundtrip) and Bangkok – Lampang (Roundtrip)


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