Pacific Asia Travel Association

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Dirk Singer

Research Director, SimpliFlying

SimpliFlying's Research Director with a particular interest in how both pandemics and the climate crisis are changing aviation. Editor of two newsletters and one magazine (Aviation Marketing Monthly).

Dirk Singer's professional life currently revolves around COVID, testing, border controls, biosafety measures, and how we can kickstart travel during and after the pandemic. As research director of SimpliFlying, he has developed the company's testing strategy, which is now being rolled out to travel industry partners worldwide. Dirk has also written a number of white papers on testing and the impact of vaccines on travel. 8000+ travel industry professionals subscribe to the newsletter he writes and edits COVID and travel (Subscribe for free here - Before the pandemic Dirk was a marketing, content and digital director with 25 years of experience. He created two agencies from scratch, both of which made it to agency of the year.