Ta Van Tuan


Asia Regional Director, Action on Poverty

Mr. Ta Van Tuan is a social researcher and development professional with more than 20 years of experience in the fields of poverty alleviation, rural tourism, and governance. From a pilot initiative in Community-based Tourism (CBT) in 2014, Tuan and his team have upscaled the model to 21 villages of 7 districts to support more than 700 families to directly benefit from tourism. CBT has also become a key thematic program of AOP in Vietnam that supports ethnic minority communities to generate incomes, sustainable livelihoods, protect environment and preserve local culture. Under Tuan’s leadership, AOP in Vietnam received the Order of Friendship in 2019 - the President of Vietnam's highest honour for foreign organisations for significant contributions to poverty reduction and sustainable development in the country.


Mich Goh


Nick Chun