Vikram Madhok

Managing Director, Abercrombie & Kent India Ltd.

Vikram completed his Management studies in the US, thereafter, working in the banking sector. He returned to India in 1985 to join the hospitality industry. He was associated with Taj and The Oberoi Group of Hotels for 13 years.  

He joined Abercrombie & Kent India in 1997 as Executive Director and was, subsequently, promoted to take over as Managing Director. A&K is a global travel company with 55 offices in over 30 countries.

Vikram has sat on various Industry forums including the Ministry Of Tourism, India. He was Chairman - WTTC India, President - Indo American Chamber of Commerce, Vice Chairman - PATA among other active roles held.

He is a keen golfer.


Vishal Bhatnagar


Renu Basu