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Live Webinar | Event-driven Tourism: Impact and Opportunities 

Events of all sizes are efficient drivers of attractiveness for destinations and can generate memorable experiences for visitors in search of connecting and socialising with people – tourists and locals – sharing the same passion. Participants of the webinar will be able to interact with the speakers about data-based insights on how events can impact APAC reputation and visitor experience with concrete examples and inspiring best practices as well as economic contribution to the local host destination.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Are events positive drivers of attractiveness for travel in APAC and vs. other world regions?

  2. What destinations in APAC are mostly associated with events in Travel social conversations online?

  3. What impact do events have on visitor experience at the destination?

  4. What types of niche and large events provide great traction for destinations?

  5. The impact of world-class events on revenue, economic contribution to the local economy, international prestige, and soft power.

  6. Quality & Diversity: The keys to a yearly event calendar satisfying all segments of local and international clientele.

September 19, 2024,  4 PM Singapore (9 AM London | 1:30 PM New Delhi | 3 PM Bangkok | 6 PM Sydney | 8 PM Auckland)  


Olivier Henry-Biabaud, Managing Director and Partner, MMGY TCI Research

Olivier Henry-Biabaud is Managing Director and Partner at MMGY TCI Research, a premier Travel Data Intelligence Agency that he founded TCI in 2010 after 20+ years of experience in market research in global companies. Read more

Benoit Badufle, Managing Director, Horus Development & Consulting Pte Ltd.

Benoit’s distinguished 30-year journey in the world of 4 and 5-star hospitality and destination representation has been marked by a profound dedication to luxury tourism marketing and development. From France to Japan, Monaco to China, and now firmly rooted in Singapore since 2009, Benoit has consistently excelled in key operational, sales, and marketing roles. Read more

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