Asia Pacific Destination Forecasts 2024-2026


Please select the destination report(s) of your choice and place the order. We will email you the download link within 1-2 business days.

Pricing 1: Access to all 39 destination reports
Pricing 2: Access to any 5 destination reports
Pricing 3: 50% discount
Chapter Members: $3,000

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Please select the destination report(s) of your choice and place the order. We will email you the download link within 1-2 business days.

Pricing 1: Access to all 39 destination reports
Pricing 2: Access to any 5 destination reports
Pricing 3: 50% discount
Chapter Members: $3,000

Please select the destination report(s) of your choice and place the order. We will email you the download link within 1-2 business days.

Pricing 1: Access to all 39 destination reports
Pricing 2: Access to any 5 destination reports
Pricing 3: 50% discount
Chapter Members: $3,000

Pricing 1 Members include: Government Level I, Aviation Level I, Partners (except Alliance Partners)

Pricing 2 Members include: Government Level II (NTO & National Allied Partner), Aviation, Hospitality - Corporate, Hospitality - Corporate Affiliate, Industry - Corporate

Pricing 3 Members include: Government Level II (Province/State, Municipal/CVBs & Provincial/State/Municipal Allied Partner), Alliance Partner, Hospitality - Property, Hospitality - General, Industry - General, Industry - Travel Agency, Industry - Tour Operator, Industry - Association; Industry - Media, Education - Premium , Education - Basic

Exclusive Sponsor:


Sponsored by Visa and with data and insights from Euromonitor International, this suite of reports builds on the current forecasts by delving deeper into the changing dynamics of travel and tourism into and across the Asia Pacific region at the single destination level facilitating the development of appropriate strategies over the next three years. What you will learn from these reports: 

  • An updated forecast on international visitor arrival numbers for Asia Pacific between 2024 and 2026 by destination region, sub-region, and destination, highlighting changing opportunities in the post-COVID era;  

  • Forecasts and growth patterns for 39 individual destinations facilitating the development of appropriate strategies over the next three years;  

  • Highlights of the key source markets within each Asia Pacific destination region over the forecast period of 2024 to 2026;  

  • Quarterly changes in scheduled international inbound air capacity to 1Q2025;  

  • Economic, income and expenditure outlook & trends, and PEST analysis (political, economic, social, and technological); and  

  • Shifts and trends of current travellers and consumer payments. 

Destination Forecasts 2022-2024
Quarterly Tourism Monitor 2020
Asia Pacific Visitor Forecasts 2021-2023 September 2021 Updates
Quarterly Tourism Monitor 4Q2022
Quarterly Tourism Monitor 2Q2022